The Gathering é o primeiro livro da nova trilogia da autora norte-americana Kelley Armstrong. Ela é mais conhecida pela trigoliga Darkest Powers que, apesar de eu não ter lido ainda (e está na minha lista de leitura a séculos!!!), muitas pessoas já me disseram ser ótima, então eu acho que essa nova trilogia (chamada Darkness Rising) tem de tudo para dar certo.
Maya lives in a small medical-research town on Vancouver Island. How small? You can’t find it on the map. It has less than two-hundred people, and her school has only sixty-eight students—for every grade from kindergarten to twelve. Now, strange things are happening in this claustrophobic town, and Maya's determined to get to the bottom of them. First, the captain of the swim team drowns mysteriously in the middle of a calm lake. A year later, mountain lions start appearing around Maya's home, and they won’t go away. Her best friend, Daniel, starts getting negative vibes from certain people and things. It doesn't help that the new bad boy in town, Rafe, has a dangerous secret—and he's interested in one special part of Maya's anatomy: Her paw-print birthmark.

Bem misterioso, não acham? Estou muito ansiosa para o lançamento desse livro (dia 12 de Abril). Ah, sim, já existem dois covers para esse livro, o americano (que está ali em cima) e o britânico (que está aqui do lado), qual vocês preferem? Os dois são lindos, né?! :)

Eighteen year old Lexi is cursed--by day, she's just like every other teen at Lincoln City High. But from dusk until dawn, she's forced to swim and sing, a modern day siren. At sixteen, her voice became a deadly lure, and Steven-- the only boy she's ever loved-- followed her straight into the story surf and drowned. Now, Lexi spends her nights at a forgotten lake up in the mountains, where she can swim and sing in peace. She's become an ice queen, forced to keep everyone around her at arm's length in order to protect them. That is, until Cole comes to town. Cole, with his dark good looks and prying questions. She can't seem to keep him away, and she's no longer sure she wants to. But how can she let him in when it can only end in his death?
A primeira coisa que eu notei nesse livro foi a capa, é linda e já me deu uma sensação de como seria a história, o que só veio de confirmar quando eu li a sinopse. A garota - Lexi - apesar de estar apaixonada pelo garoto - Cole -, vai tentar se manter afastada para não provocar a morte dele. Adorei que, nesse caso, fosse a garota a tem o "poder de morte" nas mãos, ao invés de o garoto tentar afastar e a garota correr atrás, isso ganhou pontos, com certeza! Vai ser lançado dia 21 de julho, mal vejo a hora!

How do you defy destiny?Eu encontrei três covers para esse livro, mas o que eu mais gostei, sem comparações, foi esso primeiro, achei completamente perfeito! A história soa ótima também, estou empolgadíssima para 31 de maio chegar e eu poder encomendar esse livro. Ah, sim, aqui vai a outra sinopse que eu encontrei sobre ele.
Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.
As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.

"A Percy Jackson for teenage girls." - Publisher's Weekly Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy feat on an island as small as Nantucket. It only gets harder when she finds herself haunted by vivid nightmares of a desert journey and hallucinations of women weeping tears of blood, all of which leave her physically and emotionally drained. It's not until Helen crosses paths with Lucas Delos at school that her true heritage is revealed. Yet even as Lucas helps her awaken to her startling powers, Helen is devastated to discover they can never be together—not unless they can break free of their leading roles in a Greek tragedy the Three Fates insist on repeating throughout history. But how do you defy destiny?
E então, o que acharam? Algum livro que estejam esperando e eu não coloquei na minha lista? Pode mandar o nome do livro que eu vejo o que acho, afinal, tantos lançamentos esse ano, não dá para lembrar de todos, certo? HAHA Obrigada por lerem. :D
Um comentário:
Prefiro a capa britânica, e esse da Hellen parece legal tbm
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